Williamsburg in Summer

Williamsburg in Summer

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Good to Be in God's House...

Our Pastor starts every Sunday with the saying "Good to be in God's house!" And today, Kate seemed to agree. As we entered the sanctuary, the music had already begun. Kate usually goes straight to the nursery, but since she heard the songs, she asked to go "Sing songs." They were singing the song Come and Worship - some lines from the song were: Come, now is the time to worship. Come, now is the time to praise the Lord. Kate burst through the doors into the service yelling, "I come! I come!"


Jecholia said...

That is so sweet!

Papa said...

She is so precious and makes herself heard so that all know that she has arrived. I think the worship part of church is great for her to attend and absorb being the Presence.

Judy said...

It is always so good to catch up on the Henrys through the blog...though we need to make it even better by doing it in person one of these days. I loved all the vacation pictures...but the one that made me smile the most was the one of you and Josh. <><