Williamsburg in Summer

Williamsburg in Summer

Sunday, January 13, 2008

A Date Night for Josh and Kim

Well, tonight Kate was left with a babysitter for the first time while Josh and I went to a movie and ran some errands. I really needed some one-on-one time with my husband. Now, Kate has stayed with my parents before, but tonight we left her with, Danielle, a former student of mine who is now in college. I had full faith in Danielle. I wasn't a paranoid parent worrying about Kate. Rather I was worried about the babysitter: would she know what to do if Kate gave her trouble eating or if Kate wouldn't go down to bed? Both of these issues are regular trouble spots for Josh and I -- never mind someone brand new to Kate. So I typed up two pages of detailed instructions. If this happens...do this. Or if that happens... do that. Our very competent sitter was grateful for the tips and schedule; however, she didn't really need them. Of course tonight Kate was an angel. She was full of smiles and giggles. She ate all her cereal and almost all of her bottle. She went to bed right on time and fell asleep without even a fuss. So not only will Josh and I go out again soon, but I want to know if Danielle can move in?

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