We stayed inside most the week in order to help solidify potty training. We did venture out to the grocery store on Thursday, but it was a quick 20 minute trip. The idea of taking a newly potty trained child out to run errands terrifies me! I guess I need to face it sooner or later.
Kate is actually doing really well. I think this picture demonstrates well that she has fully grasped the idea of going potty:

One day Kate decided to pull out her violin and play some music. We love when she spontaneously goes to the violin to play. We are still working on technique but her heart is in the right place! Josh has a great video of her "playing" her violin and singing her alphabet. Hopefully we add it on to this post soon. For now, still pictures will have to do!

It looks like we still need to work on the proper playing position. It is also time to rehair her bow...again...
1 comment:
i love the new background! But sadly, I couldn't get the video to work! :(
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