Welcome to what is quickly becoming the snow capital of the U.S.
This weekend was certainly memorable in many ways! I (Kim) had planned a scrap booking weekend with my sister-in-law Debbie and friend, Holly. We are booked at a local hotel with dozens of other ladies ready for a little getaway. Josh encouraged me to still go despite the threatening weather, and since Holly drove down all the way from New York and our weekend was already paid for (no refunds) we decided to make the best of it and get snowed in at a hotel! Why not? We left for the hotel around 1 p.m. on Friday just as the snow started to fall.
Josh and Kate were home on their own. However, around 7:15 p.m. on Friday, our house lost power. Josh, had he been a single man, home alone, would have braved the elements and stayed home with the best hopes of the electricity coming back on soon. However, being the responsible dad that he is, and hearing the concern in his wife's voice, he packed up little Kate and as many belongings as he could find in the dark and headed over to Paul and Peggy's to weather the storm. The snow was coming down at a rate of 2 inches an hour, so Josh only had a small window of time to make a decision about leaving the house. He and Kate were snowed into Peggy and Paul's until Sunday afternoon. He had hoped to head home on Saturday afternoon, but it was still snowing until about 10:00 p.m. on Saturday. And due to the state wide snow emergency, plows have not made it to most of the local neighborhoods even today. (This is one time I am grateful that we pay exorbitant amounts of money to local HOA for private snow removal!)
On Sunday, my dad and father showed up in a 4-wheel truck to the hotel to dig out Holly's car and pick up Debbie. The local highway had exit ramps closed, cars were flipped, even the main roads were in bad shape. Josh and Kate picked me up in Josh's excellent snow car - once he shoveled his way to some tire tracks and worked is way out of Paul's neighborhood.
We got home to find that my incredible dad and brother, Shaun, had shoveled a path to our door and a small spot to park Josh's car. THANK YOU SO MUCH!! As soon as we got home, Josh to the business of finishing the shoveling. It was hard to get picture with perspective, but take our word for it...there's a lot of snow here!
Josh shoveling out his parking spot in front of our house.
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