Williamsburg in Summer

Williamsburg in Summer

Sunday, May 22, 2011


  Taking three preschoolers bowling was a lot of fun!!  Debbie was flying solo for the weekend while Shaun was on travel in Chicago, so she invited us to join them for a little game of duck pin bowling on Saturday.  Kate was a little nervous never having bowled before, but she caught on quickly.
My favorite part of the afternoon was watching the kids' different stances while they bowled!


Brenden had the most mature form; he would just hurl the ball down the lane.  I'm surprised we didn't leave pot holes on the floor.  Collin was a little more delicate in his approach.  The methodical, careful strategy paid off for my little buddy.  Kate tried it all - launching it down the lane, rolling it between her legs, and even using multiple balls to try to move the balls that stopped mid-lane from lack of momentum.  :)

Nathan hung out with Mommy most of the time.  These days he doesn't like to be far away from his security blanket: MOMMA!   Of course, after awhile he insisted on trying his luck at the game too.  I think he concluded it might be easier once he learns how to walk.  Better luck next time, little fella!

 But at the end of the day, Collin was victorious!  Kate gave him a run for his money.  And well Bren...he kind of got bored somewhere along the line and wandered off.  So his score is a collection of various people bowling.  It really was a fun afternoon.  Great idea, Debbie!  Thanks for including us.

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