Williamsburg in Summer

Williamsburg in Summer

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The Flu has come to town

Oh, it's here and it's bad! I was bound to get it. My dad got sick first, then my mom, and Brenden then Shaun, and now it has arrived at our house. It's been sweeping through church and many people we know are home sick. I thought we were doing a good job staying away from people and the outside world, but a trip to the store or a movie last week or possibly even church let in the bug. It all started with a cough and progressed to sneezes and a sore throat and fever and chills and more coughing.

It's hard enough being sick - but being sick with a 6 month old is very challenging. I've tried so hard not to contaminate little Kate. I've been walking around with a burp cloth to my face smothering my germs--I 've used up bottles of Purrell hand sanitzier-- and she's spent many hours in the swing away from me. (Thank goodness for swings!!)

It's so good to have family to help out. My mom brought over more cough medicine and some soup last night. Josh jumped in with both feet last night and has taken over with the baby. Kate was at my mom's most of the morning, as Josh wisked her over there after she woke up. And I finally have pulled myself out of bed - for a little bit at least.

Yet, I must admit, there are some benefits to getting the flu:

1.) I got the entire bed to myself last night. Josh wisely slept on the couch. However, I'm not sure I enjoyed it to the fullest as I drifted in and out of consciousness.

2.) I've been enjoying unlimited popciles.

3.) It's a quick weight loss program.

4.) All housework, dishes, and laundry can wait - guilt free.

5.) I'm catching up on my sleep - finally.

Please keep Kate and Josh in your prayers. It looks like I'm going to make it, but I really don't want them to get sick. It's been so rough that my holistic minded self has been on medcine every four hours for the past four days...baby Kate won't be able to take anything. So please pray for mercy on her that this would pass her by.

1 comment:

christy said...

Kim, I'm surprised you have held out this long. It seems everyone has been sick with the flu, and like you said, it is bad. Between the 4 of us we had it for 2 weeks. I hope you feel better soon! (And I hope somehow Josh & Kate manage to avoid it!)