Manteo is a little town just south of Nags Head on Roanoke Island. It's one of our favorite places to go in the Outer Banks. So we decided to spend our last morning in this quaint waterfront town and enjoy the final day of summer. We started our morning with a stop at our favorite coffee house. Josh took his cup of coffee black, but the kids preferred sharing a lemonade smoothly and some ginger snap cookies. I love the picture of the two kids drinking together, it gives me hope that they might stop fighting long enough to grow up and like one another.

After our morning snack we spent some time exploring the Marshes Island Light house. The light house is on pylons out in the water. It was unique and offered a spectacular view of the sound. The kids weren't too impressed and argued that we should return to the playground pronto.
Kate spotted a number of sea gulls chilling out on piers. A few of them were talented and standing on one leg. Below is Kate's interpretation of a sea gull.

Another common sight on our vacation were these little frogs. Kate finally had the guts to touch one, and Nathan thought it was hilarious to watch them hop around. A few of them kept trying to sneak into our van and catch a ride home. But I thought having three adult turtles, six baby turtles, and a dog waiting for us at home was enough for right now.
So it is with much saddness that we say good bye to the Outer Banks. We are happy to head home, but we are already thinking about what fun adventures await us next summer.
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