Well, it's April 7th! I guess someone forget to tell Nathan he was supposed to be born already! I suppose there technically are still four hours in the day until his due date has officially passed. But we're hoping he is not too long in coming. These pictures were taken two and a half weeks ago (March 27th) when my wedding ring still fit on my finger, and my sneakers still fit on my feet. Now imagine me even two weeks larger...not a really pretty sight these days. :)
We went to the doctors on Monday and there was little to no dilation yet. I have another appointment on Friday. And if the little fella has not come by this weekend I will be induced on Monday. So at least there is an end in sight. It's hard waiting. But all in all we just want a safe delivery and a healthy baby. We are trusting God for His perfect timing regarding Nathan's arrival. But I'll still urge him to make his appearance tonight if possible. :)
My Caleb stuck around for an extra week! I think he was comfy and didn't really care to come out. :) Can't wait to hear Nathan is here!
Well, it looks like all little Nathan wanted his mommy to do was put up a blog post about him, before his arrival! ;-) Seriously, though, I'm praying that all goes well through the delivery and can't wait to hear the good news that he's arrived!
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