Boy, this baby is giving me a run for the money! When I was pregnant with Kate, I felt better than ever! It hasn't really been the same with baby number 2.
Last night around 9 p.m. I went to the ER on the recommendation of my OB. For most the afternoon and evening, I had been experiencing a lot of abdominal and lower back pain and pretty consistent strong contractions. At only 27 weeks it was too early for Nathan to make his appearance, so the on call doctor wanted to see me in Labor and Delivery "without wasting any time" in getting there.
My dear friend, Peggy, drove me to the hospital as Josh who was not feeling too well himself stayed home with sleeping Kate. They monitored me for hours; the baby’s heart rate was fine, but contractions were still coming. After a few tests they concluded it was not pre-term labor and it was not a UTI. Not really knowing what was causing the pain and contractions, they treated me for dehydration by giving me IV fluids. I didn’t feel dehydrated, and I am pretty good about my water intake, but maybe it was a factor.
Josh arrived around midnight to relieve Peggy who has her own 9 month old to tend to in the early morning. Kate was very excited to be awakened and transported to Papa and Gigi's in the middle of the night for a sleep over. (Thanks Mom and Dad for jumping in to help!!) Ironically, within minutes of getting to the hospital, Josh got ill and started vomiting. He got sick three times while we were there (way to steal the attention). The OB nurses wanted to send him down to the ER, but of course Josh refused.
My contractions eventually stopped but the back pain and stomach pain did not. Still I opted to be released, and we got home around 3 a.m. last night. I still don’t feel well. Josh is still in rough shape too. Kate is with my mom and dad right now, but should be home shortly. Not sure who is taking care of who at this point. Maybe Kate can make us lunch when she gets home. Oh, lunch...that would mean we would have to eat food...nevermind...don't think either of us can stomach much. We would covet prayers though.
Peggy, thanks for the Gatorade this morning!! You're the best!!
uugh, praying, praying, stay in there baby, stay in there a couple more months.
Praying for you guys. Having parents close by is a wonderful thing, isn't it?
Oh no! Praying for a quick recovery for both of you!
I will keep all of you in my prayers! It definitely is a miracle in God's hands!
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