Today we had our 20 week sonogram! Even though this is baby number two for us, it is still so amazing to see the details that technology is able to deliver. I must admit I teared up watching the heart beat and seeing all five fingers on a open hand. Amazing. God truly does knit us together in our mother's wombs.
I had this grand idea of keeping the sex of the baby a secret until Thanksgiving when I could do a big family reveal. However, I was so excited today. And it's no fun to have such wonderful, exciting news and not be able to share it with people who are equally as excited as you. So I broke down after not even 24 hours and spilled the beans. So for all the world to know...we are excited to announce that we are having a baby BOY! Kate is now telling people she's having a baby brother. I'm glad she can know; it makes it more real, I think, to talk about a brother rather than just a baby.
Already the kids are different. When we had Kate's sonogram, she tossed and turned and rolled and moved the entire time. The sonogram technician had a lot of trouble getting good shots because Kate kept moving. And to this day Kate still moves non-stop. Just tonight I had to chase her around the room and wrestle her to the ground to put on her jacket. Yet, this little fella stayed pretty still the whole time moving ever so slightly here and there. He was calm and content. I am hoping he'll be my mellow one- compared to Kate that is. Can't wait to meet the little guy. 20 more weeks to go -- 20 more weeks to deliberate over boy names. April 6th (or there abouts) will come faster than we can imagine!
Can't wait to meet him! Praying for a mellow one for you as well :)
Beautiful! congratulations.
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