Kate had never been to an aquarium before, and I was really excited to see her reactions to the fish and animals. We walked in and everything she saw evoked, "Wow, Mommy" or "Look, Daddy!" She really enjoyed the experience.
There was a sting ray tank where the kids could reach in and touch the rays as they swam by. Much to our surprise, Kate, typically quite brave and adventurous, shyed away from the chance to touch a ray. She did reach in with much prompting, but I think God gives you an innate sense of danger: stay away from sharks and anything that has the word sting in it! She's no fool! She did touch a sea urchin though in the tidal pool.
Of course there were also turtles to been seen - a favorite of Kate's and Daddy's. The aquarium had a unique sea turtle rehab center, where they saved sick turtles and return them to wild when they are able. They also had a sea turtle tracking exhibit, that seemed pretty interesting. Here are Kate and Daddy with some fresh water turtles.
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