Kate loves to greet people we see on our daily adventures. A few days ago, we were walking and two middle-aged woman stopped to say hello to Kate. They were kind of dressed up with some sparkly clothing and big jewelery. Kate returned their greeting with, "Hi, Pirates!"
On a similar note, Kate doesn't have to be greeted first. She'll often shout across a grocery store to someone she thinks she recognizes. For example, the other day in Bloom, and then again on one of our walks, Kate started yelling (and I mean yelling), "Hello, Gordon." I was stumped for a moment. We don't have any friends or family named Gordon. Until I realized who she was recognizing. Meet Gordon:

All of you Sesame Street fans will recognize him right away. Well so did Kate. Apparently, all African American men with shaved heads are now Gordon!
Last story for today: Kate still puts everything in her mouth! We are really trying to break her of this habit. So we have this little mantra at our house. "What goes in your mouth?" Kate answers, "Food and drink only?" We say, "Is this food or drink?" She says, "No." Or that's is how is it supposed to go. This morning I asked Kate the question, "What goes in your mouth?" She very quickly answered, "Only ice-cream."
Hilarious, Kim! She seems like a lot of fun. =) By the way, I haven't forgotten about sending you guys your video back...it's just been a little crazy. Please tell Josh I'm sorry we've had it for so long. =(
Please o Please get her to call her Uncle Joe "Gordon" the next time you're on the phone or in person.
All the best,
Cousin Chris
unbelievable:) that is so cute!!
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