I think we had four invitations to backyard picnics and
barbeques for this holiday weekend. We couldn't make it to all of them, but we did go to the
Gruber's place on Sunday -- and if you know Brian and Lisa
Gruber, you know that they know how to throw a

Gruber taking his turn tending to the 9 whole chickens roasting over the fire pit. Fresh corn on the cob was waiting for us on the grill too!
Corn Hole is a game that I had never heard of until meeting this group of friends. However, it is a loved tradition among this crowd. It usually comes down to the Grubers and the Devans. Here Matt and Teah Devan are warming up for the big couple's tournament. Josh and I were out during the first round of the festivities. Personally, I think Kate found the smart way to assure a victory!
While everyone else continued in the Corn Hole tournament, we found other forms of entertainment. Kate loved Molly, this wonderful puppy that was as gentle as can be. She didn't want to leave Molly's side all afternoon.

We had a lot of fun on the swings as well. Kate preferred to ride with Daddy; he went a lot higher in the air than Mommy did!

And of course, Kate found the tractor within seconds of arriving as well as this little motor bike. She was a little to young still to go for a ride, but she loved sitting on it with her daddy.

It was a great afternoon. Thank you Brian and Lisa for opening up your home --again!
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