A few years ago, I heard about this safari place just outside of West Palm. I couldn't wait until Kate was old enough that we could take her. This day was one Debbie and I were looking forward to all week. Shaun, Deb, the boys, Josh, Kate, myself and Papa all drove down to the safari sight. We borrowed a van and drove through a pretty impressive collection of animals. We did see lions, but here a a few of the favorite animals of the day.
The zoo also had opportunities to feed some animals. Kate was able to feed a giraffe. He ate a cracker right out of her hand. Brenden fed some goats while Kate went into the bird house to feed some birdies with dad.
Shaun and I took the kids on a carousel. It was a lot of fun. Josh and Shaun also took Kate and Brenden on a mini Ferris wheel of sorts. Kate has no fear!
Your vacation looks like so much fun! Enjoy!
What great photos!
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