Williamsburg in Summer

Williamsburg in Summer

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day

Since Daddy can't be with us on Father's Day this year, we decided to send lots of love and pictures his way to say how much we miss him.
We love you soooo much, Daddy!

Happy Father's Day!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Prayer Time

As part of Kate's bedtime ritual, we say our prayers. Part of our prayer time is thanking God for things that happened that day. Kate calls this time "Thank you for" as in "Mommy, pray thank you for now". We usually take turns. I might say, "Thank you, Jesus, for Papa's visit tonight." Kate usually says something like, "Thank you for Shayla." or "Thank you for motorcycles." But tonight, she got pretty creative. Tonight Kate said, "Thank you for Diet Coke." Hmmmm...

Sunday, June 14, 2009

I scream, you scream...

Papa is in town visiting for awhile! Kate hasn't seen him since last November. She couldn't wait to go to the airport to pick him up. Every morning she calls to him from her crib, eager to see him and play. It's been wonderful watching them together.

We started Papa Dan's visit with a fun trip to get ice-cream. As you can see, Kate had a blast.

As if Kate didn't eat enough of her own ice-cream, she needed to mooch off of Papa Dan.

A little aside: Kate's been wearing Josh's Boston hat all the time lately.
She loves her Daddy and anything her daddy does or has is exactly what she wants!