So we've been visiting a lot of farms lately, thanks to my fascination with locally grown foods. But usually when we drive up we see a barn of sorts or some animals. Today, we saw... a castle! Kate was thrilled of course. "There are princesses at this farm?" She asked. Well sort of. Elioak Clark Farm in Clarksville, MD, does have grass fed beef and a local produce stand, but they also have a Fairy Tale Adventure Park and a kids' petting "zoo". Perfect way to spend a Friday with the cousins. We had a shoe slide for the old woman with too many kids, there was a well where Jack and Jill tumbled, a crooked house, Miss Muffet and well, a few others. The kids spent very little attention to the nursery rhyme part. They were more interested in the "rides" and animals.
The first ride of the day was a hay ride. Aunt Deb took the kids while I kept Nathan far away from the hay, due to a weird rash he had that finally went away. (Didn't want to risk hay setting him off!)
Apparently, Collin felt he could do a better job driving the tractor than the lady.
After the hay ride Brenden, Kate and Collin hopped about Old Bessy (or Dora as it was), for a good ole' cow train ride. I didn't know there was such a thing as a cow train until Friday.

But the big event of the day was the Pony Ride!! Kate could not wait to climb on. I was worried she was going to knock a little girl out of the way so she could go first. After waiting a few minutes, Kate pushed forward for her turn. Luckily her cousins are gentlemen and let their pushy cousin have her way and go first!
Nathan had his first pony ride too. Honestly, I thought he wouldn't do it. The little guy continues to surprise me. He LOVED it. He wouldn't hold on, but that didn't stop him from having fun. He didn't want to get off. Guess, horseback riding will be in his future.
I love Fridays. No work (for me). Days with the kids and their friends or cousins. A little adventure to start off our weekend.
Oh, and we did stop by the Clark's produce stand on the way home for some zucchini, patty pan squash, tomatoes and cantaloupe. Yum!