Williamsburg in Summer

Williamsburg in Summer

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Bike Ride Anyone?

I can't believe my little, baby girl is old enough to  have a bicycle!!   Josh found this perfect blue and pink princess bike for Kate.  It comes complete with a basket in front for Benjamin the cow and a baby seat on the back for Lambie, of course!

Kate was so excited about her bike!  She helped Daddy assemble it.  (Good thing Daddy has machines like metal grinders because there were some
quirky assembly issues with this bike!)  

Kate's helmet doesn't arrive until next week, but we had to let her sit on it and try to peddle around the front street for a few minutes.  She had fun, but we still need to work on the peddling thing.  :)

Now, Nathan couldn't be left out of all the fun.  He strolled up and down the street on his little Red Flyer. be He loves to be on the move.  Kate had a little bell  on her bike; Nathan had a horn on his car.  Our street sounded like a rush hour traffic jam.

We are looking forward to more family bike rides

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A Day on the Farm

Well, maybe it wasn't a full day on a farm, but we sure did have fun stopping by Fox Hollow Farm today.  We love this local farm in Gaithersburg.  I've been stocking my refrigerator with bags and bags of their fresh cut lettuce.  They actually go out to the garden and cut it while you wait, so you don't lose vital nutrients as it sits in a bag on a shelf.   I stop by the farm at least once or twice a week.  We also have indulged in their fresh eggs, pork tenderloin, home made par-baked breads, and even plants for my garden too.    Kate's favorite thing about the farm is their friendly kitty, Cider.  She talks about the kitten all day and all night.  Today I found her curled up on the floor with a napping Cider in her lap!  Kate is working very hard to convince Daddy that she needs a kitty.  Good Luck, Kate!
Of course there are many more animals on the farm than just Cider the kitty.  And Kate loves it when Mrs. Stephanie lets us go out to the barn.  Today she ran down there as if this was her farm to show off.  Here she is with a baby goat (his horns were just starting to show). Notice Lambie in her arms, she quickly ran to the next pen to show Lambie a real lamb.  Wish I had caught that on film.
 Kate and this turkey had a bit of conversation today...I'm wondering if he remembered her from our last visit on Saturday.   It was like they really understood each other.  Fox Hollow Farm is actually taking orders for Organic Turkey's for Thanksgiving.  They order just enough for those who place orders, raise the birds all summer and deliver them for the big feast in November.   This guy though, I think he stays around.
 The pigs were a big hit for Nathan and Kate.  They came right up to the fence and sniffed the kids.  I'm not sure who squealed louder, the piglets or Nathan. 

It's been so much fun and so rewarding supporting a local farmer, getting to know them personally, and teaching my children about the value of healthy, organic food grown locally.  For more information on buying local, see my favorite links on the sidebar. 

Sunday, May 22, 2011


  Taking three preschoolers bowling was a lot of fun!!  Debbie was flying solo for the weekend while Shaun was on travel in Chicago, so she invited us to join them for a little game of duck pin bowling on Saturday.  Kate was a little nervous never having bowled before, but she caught on quickly.
My favorite part of the afternoon was watching the kids' different stances while they bowled!


Brenden had the most mature form; he would just hurl the ball down the lane.  I'm surprised we didn't leave pot holes on the floor.  Collin was a little more delicate in his approach.  The methodical, careful strategy paid off for my little buddy.  Kate tried it all - launching it down the lane, rolling it between her legs, and even using multiple balls to try to move the balls that stopped mid-lane from lack of momentum.  :)

Nathan hung out with Mommy most of the time.  These days he doesn't like to be far away from his security blanket: MOMMA!   Of course, after awhile he insisted on trying his luck at the game too.  I think he concluded it might be easier once he learns how to walk.  Better luck next time, little fella!

 But at the end of the day, Collin was victorious!  Kate gave him a run for his money.  And well Bren...he kind of got bored somewhere along the line and wandered off.  So his score is a collection of various people bowling.  It really was a fun afternoon.  Great idea, Debbie!  Thanks for including us.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

What a face!!

There is not a lot of explanation needed in this photo shoot.  Nathan wants to feed himself these days.  He got hold of a bowl of spaghetti and went to town.  Gotta love this little fella!!

Do you think he liked his dinner?

Bath time came a little early tonight!!