Williamsburg in Summer

Williamsburg in Summer

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Christmas Sing

Kate has been practicing her Christmas songs for months now.  And today her day to shine finally arrived; it was the Covenant United Methodist Preschool's Annual Christmas Sing.   Kate was beside herself with excitment.  She practically skipped down the center aisle to her front row stage seat.   (Notice the orange heart sticker on her sweater; that is her self-appointed good luck charm for the day.)

 This shot is so blurry, I almost didn't even include it.  However, you can still see her about to burst she is so excited!
 And well now, 8 songs in, she's not so trilled anymore.  Is it time for cookies yet?

Thursday, December 15, 2011

A Baker in the Making

Kate loves her baking projects with Mom.  So much in fact, that she asks to bake almost everyday.  Santa brought her an early Christmas present this year:  an apron of her own.  Now she can be just like Mommy when she bakes.   And we had the perfect project to use her new apron for:  gingerbread men cookies!   

 And Kate even does the dishes!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Santa Train

Last year my sister-in-law, Debbie, introduced us to the Santa Train.  It's an older train in Walkersville, MD, that does about an hour long ride (very slow moving I might add).  The kids love being on a train, and this train ride is even more exciting because Santa makes a grand appearance. 
We were so impressed with how personable Santa was last year; he spent a good amount of time talking to each of kids.  It was a highlight last Christmas, so we decided to go back again this year. 

Here the kids are eagerly awaiting Santa's arrival! And I must say, Santa did not disappoint.  I really love this Santa.  Kate told me today that a "fake" Santa came to her school.  I asked her how she knew he was fake?  She said because the real Santa was on the train, Mommy!"

Here is Santa trying to explain the intricacies of getting a rocking horse down a chimney.  Daddy had to remind Santa that we didn't have a chimney.  This news made Santa very happy, as he explained it is much easier when he gets to use the front door. 

Of course, it was a lot of fun to just go on a train ride too.  Nathan was more interested in the trees going by than he was in Santa.  I hope the kids remember these things when they get older.  Christmas is really magical when the kids are little.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Make a Wish, Little One

Kate has so much personality.  At times she can be quite challenging, but days like today remind me of how precious she truly is.  She brings a wonderful perspective to our family.  She embraces moments of absolute joy.  She savors every detail of a beautiful life.  I hope I can take a lesson from this Little One with whom God has graced our family.    

Kate loves to blow dandelion wishes.  Josh did a fantastic job capturing her one of her favorite pastimes .


We love you, Little One!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Goodbye Autumn...Hello Christmas

I was able to capture the last few moments of fall before the cold air blew in for good.  One day last week, Josh took advantage of the nice weather and took Kate outside for a few minutes of kite flying. Kate is actually airborne in the first photo. 

A friend of ours lives in an older neighborhood with the most beautiful red maple trees.  We snapped a few photos knowing the leaves were going to drop to the ground in the next few days.  And I was right, by the weekend they were gone.  :(

Yesterday, Josh and I bundled the kids up after dinner and headed out the CVS parking lot to see the official lighting of the Montgomery Village Christmas tree.  There were musicians playing holiday carols and families huddled together in the cold singing along.  The tree was lit and the kids were in awe.  Moments after Santa and Mrs. Claus arrived for a surprise visit with the kids.  Kate was excited to see them, but very perplexed at where the reindeer and sleigh were parked.  Not to mention that Santa looks 25 and so fake.  Nothing gets past Kate!  (Sorry about the poor picture quality.)

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Gingerbread Houses

Who knew that making a gingerbread house could be so easy?   Kate's class made miniature gingerbread houses today, and Mommy was required to go as Kate's sous chef (a role Kate usually plays for me).   Kate did a great job putting together her house.  She was so creative and so attentive to the details that she wanted to place on her masterpiece.  It was a fun way to start off the morning.  Now if only the candy would last on the house until Christmas...

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Turtle Time!

 Kate's preschool class is called Turtles Class.  And anyone that knows us, knows how excited that made Kate and Josh!   And if you've been following the blog or Josh's facebook page, you probably know about all the baby turtles that hatched in our backyard this summer.  Well, Josh thought it would be fun to take the baby turtles into school for Kate's class to play with.  Mrs. Russo said it was the highlight of her week, and I think it was the highlight of Josh's week too.   I have to admit the tiny little guys have even captured my heart.  I look forward to checking in on them each day.

Another fun activity this month in pre-school was Donuts for Dad Day.  Unfortunately, Josh was away at a business conference, so his missed the sugar high.  However, Papa Gallagher stepped in and escorted Kate to her special day.  I don't know what the teachers were thinking giving all these four year olds huge sugar glazed donuts.  I can only imagine the after effects.  Glad I wasn't a room mom that day!  It did make for a special memory with Papa. 

Monday, October 31, 2011

Trick -or-Treat

 Sometimes I can't get enough of these kids!   What a fun time dressing up can be for little kids.  Kate was a beautiful, sparkly  Peacock, with feathers and all.   Nathan was a cowboy or maybe a bandit for the few seconds he would keep his outfit on.  The little stinker...

 Kate and I went to Papa and Gigi Gallagher's neighborhood for a little trick or treating.  She was so bold, marching right up to the door and introducing herself.  It makes me so proud to see her becoming this strong, independent little girl.  (Sometimes I do wish was not quite as independent.) Nathan stayed home and handed out candy with Daddy.  Maybe next year he'll be up for going out with us.   It was a good night.
(Okay, Miss Melissa...did I take enough pictures?   Thanks for your card this week.  Kate was very happy!)

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Is it really still October?


Well the calendar says it October, but outside it looks more like December.   Here in Maryland, we have never seen snow in October, at least not that I can remember.  Kate was so excited to wake up with big fat snow flakes falling.  However, she didn't quite understand that we couldn't put up the Christmas Tree just because it was snowing outside.  She also wasn't happy that the snow didn't stick and snow angels were not to be had either.  However, we did make a big cup of hot chocolate and ran outside to catch a few snowflakes on our tongue.  I guess that will have to do until the next snowfall.  It was pretty though!