With much sadness we have just said goodbye to Grandma Ann after three months of loving care she gave us all! I'm sure Anna and Shawna are happy to get her back on the West Coast; it might be a few weeks before Grandma is rested enough to babysit again. Sorry if we wore out Grandma! Papa Dan is still visiting for a few more weeks; we are glad we didn't lose both of them at the same time. Kate is already asking when she can go to Grandma's house.
Grandma Ann always brings with her special gifts. Kate has been given many books and creative activities this summer. One item that Grandma brought Nathan, was an outfit that Josh wore when he was a baby. It was in excellent condition considering it was nearly 40 years old (sorry Josh to spill the beans). So on Grandma's last day we dressed Nathan up in the same blue outfit and took some pictures with Daddy. We also took the chance to get a three generation picture of the Henry men.