Why all this fuss for potty training? Well we tried potty training back in November. After 4 hours and 7 accidents - one success - I gave up. Kate wasn't ready. She didn't even notice when the pee gushed down her leg onto my carpet. So I put it on hold until after the holidays and until she had a little more time to mature. What a difference 8 weeks made!
I must admit I was a bit discouraged back in November. My sister-in-law had been facing the battle at home with Brenden. So the two us signed up for a potty-training seminar: Potty Training Made Easy in One Weekend! I liked the sound of that! The theory at the seminar was once a child is physically ready it will be easy. And boy was she right!
This weekend has been fantastic. Kate only had one accident yesterday - and she stopped herself mid-way and finished it up in the bathroom. We've had two successful poops yesterday and one today. And the best part, is that Kate is initiating all her trips to the bathroom now. She doesn't even need a timer! Tomorrow we bring out the big-girl underwear. I am so grateful that the second time around has been this easy.
I do think that we all should take a moment and genuinely thank our moms for the potty training they imparted to us. It's no easy task. Thank you, Mom! And for those of you considering having kids in the near future...just remember that potty training is eventually a part of the deal. :) Okay...I've heard it described in pretty explicit terms...but I'm grateful Kate made it pretty easy on me!