Williamsburg in Summer
Monday, April 28, 2008
Florida: Day 3
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Sunny Florida: Day 1 and 2
Kate has been on a non-stop adventure since yesterday. We woke up early and hopped in the car with Papa G and Gigi to head to the airport. Kate did fabulous on her first plane ride. 45 minutes into the trip I wasn't sure if it was such a good idea to fly with an infant; she missed her nap, wasn't eating and was very fussy. But moments later she fell asleep on my shoulder and snoozed for the next hour or so. Other than some weary arms, it was a smooth flight; however, I'm glad it was only a 2 1/2 hour flight. Flying to Seattle to see the family scares me still! Anyway, Kate loved taking off, looking out the window, and peaking at the people sitting behind us. But she loved landing the most! She laughed and squealed at the plane touched down; meanwhile mommy was holding on to her for dear life! I think she has some of her daddy's adventurous spirit in her. 
We all have been eager to get Kate in the pool. She loves her baths, and we can't wait to see how she splashes in the pool. Papa and Gigi bought her this big crab float that provides her shade. She loved the pool. At first she was pretty serious and taking in the whole experience with her analytical mind, but she soon began laughing and splashing away. Everyone at the pool was wataching her. It was a delightful afternoon for all of us! I just wish Josh were here to see Kate's first pool experience. Josh had to work a bit this week, but will be joining us on Wednesday. (I also wish Shaun, Deb, Brenden, Collin, Brian, and Jecholia could all be here too. It's not the same without you guys!!)

Kate's 1st Plane Ride
This morning Kate and I watched boats from the balcony of our room, and later on Gigi and Papa took Kate for a walk while mommy enjoyed a few minutes of peace and quiet. (It's mommy's vacation too!) She was lathered up with SPF #30+ and her hat, ready to go. She is really enjoying the fresh air, ocean breeze and sunshine. Mommy is hoping she will sleep better as a result. Last night was a bit touch and go being in a new place with new sounds.
We all have been eager to get Kate in the pool. She loves her baths, and we can't wait to see how she splashes in the pool. Papa and Gigi bought her this big crab float that provides her shade. She loved the pool. At first she was pretty serious and taking in the whole experience with her analytical mind, but she soon began laughing and splashing away. Everyone at the pool was wataching her. It was a delightful afternoon for all of us! I just wish Josh were here to see Kate's first pool experience. Josh had to work a bit this week, but will be joining us on Wednesday. (I also wish Shaun, Deb, Brenden, Collin, Brian, and Jecholia could all be here too. It's not the same without you guys!!)

Kate's been in awe of everything; there is so many new things to see, new experiences to take in, and new words she's hearing (like sailboat, ocean, waves). And I must say she is loving all the attention she's getting from Papa and Gigi. She misses Daddy terribly but knows he'll be joining us on Wednesday. Come soon, Daddy!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Welcome Cousin Collin
Shaun and Debbie welcomed Collin Richard into this world tonight! What a cutie he is, and he's looking to be a big boy just like his older brother, Brenden. Collin weighed in at 9 lbs. 1 oz. and is doing well. Debbie had to have an unexpected C-section, but she is recovering wonderfully!
We can't wait to see the newest grow and play around with Kate and Brenden. It's good to have cousins so close in age! Shaun and Deb~ Congratulations! You are truely blessed!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Kate's Latest News...
Kate has discovered her toes! Well truth be told, she found them awhile ago, but I'm just now getting the documentation. It's almost impossible to change her diaper these days...she just twists and turns and tries to eat those toes~even with her shoes on. :)

It's a Tooth!! Kate cut her first tooth over Easter Weekend. If you look closely you can see it here on the bottom row as she swings in the sunshine.
It's springtime - and that means baseball is back! Kate is ready...
And this is just a shot of Kate practicing her sitting up skills. She still needs a little bit of support, but she's getting really close to sitting solo. Here she is waiting for church to start. She was just chilling in the pew waiting for the music to begin.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Visit from Grandma Ann and Papa Dan
We just dropped Grandma Ann and Papa Dan off at the airport so they could fly back home to Tacoma, Washington. They have been visiting with us for 2 1/2 weeks, and we really enjoyed their company. Kate loved playing with Papa Dan; she also loved his scruffy beard. :)

Grandma Ann took really good care of Kate while Mommy and Daddy went away to Nashville for a few days. Grandma liked to take Kate on walks when the weather was warm enough. Thank you for helping us get away for a few days! We needed it!! :)
While they were visiting we had the honor of dedicating Kate to the Lord - thanking God for the incredible gift He has given to us in our daughter and testifying before family and friends that we will raise Kate in a home that honors God and trusts His grace to work in Kate's life as she grows. It was a special day. We were very blessed to have both set grandparents with us that day.

We are so grateful for the time Grandma Ann and Papa Dan spent with us. Kate will miss them now that they are back home. We are glad that they will be coming back in June for another visit.

Friday, April 4, 2008
Grand Ole Opry - Upclose and Personal
Josh and I just celebrated our third anniversary in Nashville, TN. Josh was there on business, and we headed there a few days early to have some vacation without the baby. Josh's parent's stayed with Kate - and although I cried as we drove away - the rest and sleep and time with my husband was wonderful!! We both needed to reconnect and rest. We had a wonderful romantic dinner one night, ordered room service, slept in, watched a movie, shopped and just relaxed. But the highlight of the trip was definetely our time at the Grand Ole Opry. Here's what happened:
We pulled into town on Monday, and were informed that a member of the family band Cherryholmes was waiting for Josh to arrive. Within two hours Josh had sold the youngest daughter, Molly Kate, a bow! Then to top it off, the father, Jere, offered us backstage passes to the Grand Ole Opry performance they were playing in the following night. Not only did we hang out in their dressing room and meet some of the other performers, but our seats were actually ON STAGE! There were four pews in the back of the set reserved for guests of the performers. We watched some of the show from the pews and some from the stage wings. It was an incredible opportunity. After the show we hung around the green room with the Cherryholmes family.
Here are some photos from the Opry:
Photo A: Josh and Kim in their seats On Stage.
Photo B: Cherryholmes in the wings before they go on stage to perform.
Photo D: Josh with Molly Kate.
Photo D (Below): Josh with Jere Cherryholmes
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